Home Learning

Students are required to complete Home Learning each week. 
It is considered to be an opportunity for students to manage themselves and put into practise what they have been learning about in school. It is also an opportunity for parents/caregivers to be involved in their child’s learning.

Home Learning will be sent home on a Monday and should be returned to school on Friday.
Home learning will generally cover a range of curriculum areas that are currently being learnt in class.

Students must:
1.     Practise their 5 spelling words each night
2.     Read for 15 minutes each night and record this in their reading log.
3.     Share their work with their parent/caregiver and have their parent sign their work.
4.     Practise their Race around the Track (R.A.T.T) focus (their basic facts focus).

The home learning book can also be used as a form of communication with the teacher, so feel free to add any comments or questions. The teacher may also write comments or questions for the parents to read too.

In the home learning book there is a list of websites that your child may like to visit to further extend themselves.