Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Heat trainsfore

This term we learnt about heat trainsfore.
We leart a cool song to
We will be making ice cream tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Get NZ writing program and post cards

In week 9 Miss Wyllie signed room 15 up for a program called Get NZ writing. So in week 9\10 we learnt how to write metaphors. Then we choose our best one and put it on a postcard and sent to a school in Christchurch as well as the post cards we sent a poster with stuff like how many siblings in our families. We all enjoyed it and learnt new things about each other. We just got sent the other classes poster and postcards. It was really exciting to see what other students have written.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Pallet Garden

This year we have decided to add a little touch to our school by doing a project called school beautification, that is when we make cool designs to our school, so why not start it with some plants and to make it even better let's put those plants into custom pallets! At first we have to come up with some designs for the pallets they were some pretty impressive ones. After that we were put into groups, to make the colours stand out a bit more we had to paint all the pallets white so that when we do the actual design it won't have bit of a woody look to it. Then the designs, we only did the best 7 design because we only chose to do 7 around the whole school. The plants that we will be planting are Aloe Vera, Tiger tooth aloe and Jade plant.