Thursday, November 29, 2012


On Wedensday the 21st of November the middle and senior athletics here are some awesome photos.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Butter tasting

In room 12 we made butter.
Lots of people enjoyed making butter.
We got to try our butter with bread.
It was delicious.
One group made garlic butter because they had a garlic jar.
They said it was disgusting!
Do you like garlic butter?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sumdog Challenge

Team 12 has been signed up to  and we have invited our quadblog buddies to have a go to.  This week is our focus week so we set the challenge to have a go and see how many coins you can earn over the week.

Here are our ID's if you want to add us as a friend on sumdog and hopefully we can challenge each other and compare our scores and coins

Kayla KAA
Emily EBA
Temple TEA
Ariana AEA
Brooke BEA
Justice JFA
Corban CHA
Corrina CHC
Caleb CHB
Nazaryth NJA
Melissa MJA
Raniera RKA
Brenna BMA
Desmond DMB
Desmond DMA
Arzoo ANA
Usman UNA
Chayse CPA
Charlene CRA
Nadia NRA
Savannah STA
Zaeleh ZTA
Dean DTA

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Animal Reports

Click on the link to read our animal reports on flipsnack.  Kayla worked really hard to put this book together for our class.  Well done Kayla!

Animal Reports on