Sunday, August 11, 2013

Quad Buddies

We are part of a quad blog this term.  Here are our buddy schools blogs.
Edgecumbe Primary
Hamilton East
Tangowahine school

We were the first week and we got lots of cool comments from our buddies.  This week it is Edgecumbe Primary's turn. 

We look forward to getting to know our quad buddies


  1. Quad Blogging, what is this room 12? We don't do this in room 14 but are really interested in what it is. As a teacher i have some questions for you to see if its something the kids in room 14 should do. id love to hear your answer:
    What are the benefits of quadblogging?
    how do you fit it into your busy learning timetables?
    How does it help you with your learning?

  2. Hi Room 12

    I was also wondering about Quad blogging and how this benefits your learning. What are the benefits of having quad buddies in a different country to you? It sounds really interesting... I wonder if I could set up a quad blogging activity for teachers?

    Mrs Paton
