Friday, August 2, 2013

Cross Country Training

This term we have cross country in week 5.  We have started training.  Here is our Smore about our learning intention and how we plan to achieve it.


  1. Kia Ora Room 12
    That cross country run looks like tremendous fun. Good luck with that!

    How many people will be racing in your class?
    What will the next stage of the class fitness be?
    From Brandon at Edgecumbe Primary School

    1. Hi Brandon!
      Thanks for the comment.
      Everybody is going to be running.
      I do not know what the next stagr of class fitness will be.
      From Courtney
      room12 Vardon school

  2. We think this is a great goal Team 12! We look forward to seeing photos and videos of this goal in action. Our class is also working on improving fitness we had jump rope today, which was fun in the sunwe managed to complete 3 songs in the set time. How many jump rope songs are you guys getting through?
    From Room 15

    1. Hi room 15!
      Thanks for the comment.
      We normally do 5 songs for each skipping session.
      From Courtney

  3. Wow room 12, thank you for sharing your learning with us about the cross country. i also love the new tool you have used - smore, it would be great if you could teach us how to use this tool sometime!

    from Mrs Gunn

    Smore is a great programme to get your learning accross to others! from Maia

    Sounds like you have been putting a lot of thought and effort in to your learning and success criteria in this area, great job! From Loren

    I think that your goals and success crteria is a very thoughtful one. i have seen you out training and you look like you are working hard - i'm sure you will achieve this goal! From Shreeya

    We thought that we could tell through this that you are very dedicated to achieving your cross country goals. From Lans and Ella and George

    Stay focused room 12 and keep up the hard work and we are sure you'll be successful!

    From Room 14

  4. we are training for cross country too. When we do 4 laps of our field we get a sticker on a chart because we are pretending to travel to places in NZ. I am from Tangowahine school .From Jessica

  5. Hi Team 12
    I love the way you have presented this goal for term 3! Well presented!
    I also can't wait to see how well you all rise to the challenge, show resilience in both training and competing, and achieve your personal goals. Good luck to you all.

    I am wondering if everyone knows what "Butterfly" training means?

    Mrs Paton

    1. Hi Mrs Payton! Thanks for commenting. We know what butterfly training is & are all looking foward to cross country!!!

  6. hi room12
    At hamilton east we do cross country training in the morning and i go to our soccer feild at morning tea and the soccer coach make us run for 5 min around the feild and then 30 sec sprint.

    from Ezekiel h.e.s

  7. Hello Ezekiel.
    That must be some hard training you guys do. How do you manage?
    From Chayse, (Room 12 Techsperx)

  8. Hi room12.
    We had to do cross country training to. We had to run around the rugby field. For half an hour!!

  9. COOL I love cross country, run hard guys. from Ethan
