Thursday, February 18, 2016

Lunch Time Swims/Rainy day activites

It has been so hot lately, practically like 109 degrees (not literally but it feels like it). So we need to cool off. Maybe swimming first thing in the morning isn't really that fun but lunch time swims are necessary! Every day will be a lunchtime swim (unless its raining, i'll get into that later) for the Middle Syndicate or the Senior Syndicate. 

To be able to swim at lunch time, you need to be one of the first 30 people at the pool gate lined up nicely. You need your togs obviously and of course a good attitude. Whilst swimming, you will notice a teacher. That teacher is who you need to go to if you have a problem in the pool.

The changing rooms may be packed yeah yeah but what do you do? Do you wait, squeeze in and kick someone out or ask the teacher if you can go the bathrooms? Well I suggest asking the teacher to get changed in the bathrooms or just waiting which may be a while. 

Uh Oh! *Pit Pat Pit Pat* Its raining, to the classroom! So it has been raining quite a lot over the past couple of days but what is there to do in class? Here are a few options:

- Read a book
- Ask a teacher to play on a Netbook or ipad (Remember learning games only)
-See if your class has board games that are easy to tidy up
- Art
- Ask your teacher to put a short film on

There will always be a teacher patrolling each syndicate so if you have a problem, tell that teacher when He/She comes to your class!

I hope these tips helped!

Written By Room 15's Journalist

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