Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Puppet Shows

This term Team 12 made puppets and created plays that we shared at our assembly.  Here are our puppet shows.

Brenna, Enoka, Usman, Savannah and Toby

Desmond, Chayse, Fazil, Sam and Latrell

Katherine, Ariana, Brooke, Arzoo, Emily, Zaeleh, Courtney, Angel, Tia, Katie and Corban


  1. Hi Team 12
    Well done on making your puppets and then using them to create your own plays. Your scripts were simple and easy to follow, with a bit of humour too!
    What did you learn from making your plays using the pupptes you made?
    Mrs Paton

  2. Great work room 12, keep it up, From Chayse Mum :-)

    1. Thanks Chayse's mum. We'll suerley try our best!!!

  3. Hello Room 12
    The mirror on the puppet show wall was spectacular and I’m really excited about watching the next show that you put on your blog.
    It looked so real and the background stood out well with the puppets.
    How long did it take to complete all the puppets and have the script written?
    From Tea at Edgecumbe Primary School

    1. Hi its Corban from team 12 for the puppets it took us a while to make the puppets it was about 2-4 days and the script took about a day our play was snow white and the seven dwarfs we used bottle puppets for the dwarfs and stick puppets for the tall people it was fun and very cool for me.Bye

  4. Hi Room 12. That was a phenomenal way of doing a puppet show. I liked the performance because it teaches young students to be confident. The show was very encouraging.

    How did you get come up with the idea for a puppet show?

    From Kerry at Edgecumbe Primary

  5. Hi Room 12 this is Lucy and Tori from Room 1.Loved it. Nearly like the real one.

    What puppet show is the middle one?

    We are from Tangowahine school.

    1. Hi its Savannah from Team 12 the middle one was about a sailor.It was from a journal book there were 3 groups made up,journal and story.The last one was about snow white and the first one was about 2 lost pigs me and my friend brenna were the 2 lost pigs.It was a mix between three little pigs but we only made 2 and a chicken and a random talking tree my one was a coat hanger puppets.From Savannah

    2. Thank you for your help
      TORI FROM Tangowahine school

  6. Hey Room 12
    This is Aydah & Maddison from Room 1 Tangowahine School
    Your puppet show was awesome.
    Your puppets were very creative.
    We love your blog.
    What Materials did you use for your puppets?

  7. Hi I'm Arzoo for room 12
    The things we used to make your puppets was
    newspaper, PVA glue, stick, paint, string, Newsprint, coat hangers and fabric By Arzoo

  8. Thank you
    They looked cool.
    From Aydah

  9. Hello Room 12
    It seems like you are having a lot of fun doing the puppet show. I loved the caterpillar one. I think you did really well speaking clearly.
    What was the hardest character to make?
    How long did it take for you to come up with the script?
    From Ayzia Edgecumbe Primary School.

  10. To Ayzia
    The hardest character to make in my group was
    the wolf because first we tried to make him stand on all four legs but that was to hard.
    It took my group two sessions to make our script.
    Has your class made any puppet shows before?
    By Toby Vardon Room 12

  11. The puppet show knocked my socks off!
    Have you made puppets before or was this the first time? Ihave not BY LUTHER TANGOWAHINE SCHOOL
