Saturday, October 13, 2012

Multiplication Websites

Practice your Multiplication skills with this variety of fun interactive games and activities

Multiplication Websites

<a href="">Multiplication websites</a>


  1. It is great that you are using the Internet to advance your learning. This is a great way to learn.

    We use a site called Sumdog, and we run lots of different competitions. Perhaps you could sign up and we could have a competition against each other?

    Mr Mitchell
    Christ The King

    1. Hello Mr Mitchell,
      Thanks for suggesting sumdog as a website we can learn on. We all enjoy learning on the conputer right? Our teacher is signing us up so we can compete against each other.
      If you have any other websites we would love to hear from you.
      From Room12

    2. hi- we finally got access to your individual student blogs! We are having problems with the some of the code readers and also choosing a profile. Some student blogs don't allow "anonymous" as a profile, and my kids don't have email accounts to choose from. thanks, Kellie

    3. Hi Mrs DiBattista and class, we have removed the code readers so you should be able to comment without having to do that. We will change the anonymous setting on Mondya. Thanks for letting us know. We hope you enjoy our student blogs :)

  2. Those games look pretty cool. I didn't get to try them yet but they look pretty cool!
